Safety and Security…
- Charles City Aeronautics d/b/a North Iowa Air Service and Central Iowa Air Service’s aircraft are thoroughly cleaned between flights.
- Charles City Aeronautics is an ARGUS Gold rated Charter Operator. Our Charter Operation has passed the rigorous background checks and historical safety analysis to ensure your comfort and safety.
- In today’s environment, commercial air travel security has become a complex issue. Your security is in the hands of many people, most of whom you do not know.
- With Air Charter, you’ll travel more securely, knowing who your pilot is, who has maintained your aircraft, and who your fellow passengers are. You will not be subjected to standing in long security check lines, or the worry of strangers going through your luggage.
- In addition to the convenience and economic benefits, security may be the most significant reason to choose Air Charter.
Save Time…
- Depart when you are ready, return when you are finished with your business. You have control of your schedule.
- Take Advantage of over 13,000 airports in the United States – less than 10% are served by the airlines.
- Travel direct from your local airport to the airport closest to your destination. Avoid driving long distances to crowded airport terminals with delayed, canceled and over-booked flights.
- Schedule more flights per day.
- Send or receive over 1000 lbs. of high priority air freight in the shortest amount of time.
Save Money…
- Avoid costly overnight stays by not having to schedule your time around the airlines’ flights.
- Your cost per seat goes down when more of your people travel with you.
- Our rates are competitive with many airline airfares and it is not necessary to make your reservations weeks in advance.
- North Iowa Air Service and Central Iowa Air Service offer you a wide selection of aircraft, so you can choose the aircraft most suited to your needs.
- Travel in security, comfort, privacy, and safety. The aircraft becomes your private office.
- North Iowa Air Service & Central Iowa Air Service Air Charter are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Your schedule is our schedule.
The Company…
- Charles City Aeronautics d/b/a North Iowa Air Service and Central Iowa Air Service Air Charter is a FAA Certificated Air Carrier (#CQVA964C).
- Charles City Aeronautics d/b/a North Iowa Air Service and Central Iowa Air Service is an ARGUS Gold Rated Charter Operator
- The company has operated continuously for over 60 years.
- Our pilots are experienced professionals with the same basic qualifications as the airlines.
- The aircraft are meticulously maintained to the same standards as the airlines. Our maintenance facility is a FAA Approved Repair Station (#CQVR964C).
- Our aircraft are equipped for most weather conditions with radar, advanced navigation, communication and flight control systems.
Call For A Quote!
You owe it to yourself to discover the benefits of an Air Charter. We will make your next trip a pleasurable experience, and will help you save the most valuable of all assets – YOUR TIME.